Boosting Forest-Based Income and Livelihoods for Communities in Liberia's Gola and Grebo-Krahn Landscapes: FDA, EU, and UNDP Launch the "Leh Go Green" Project Today
Whein Town-Paynesville City - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at the Conference Room of the Forestry Development Authority, witnessed the scenery of international partners, NGOs, local and international, CSOs and Forestry practitioners all gracing this magnanimous ceremony.
The Let's Go Green Project launch which saw the duration of 36 Months with an initial investment of phase one in the tone of USD 4, 943, 250.00 Million from the founding source/donor of the European Union delegation -Liberia with an outlined implemention modality highlighting direct implemention modality and having the Forestry Development Authority as the responsible partner alongside co-implementing partners, SCNL, WCF, BRAC and FTI with it's earmarked project location at Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Lofa and RiverGee approximately targeting 30 forest communities, 500 household as direct beneficiaries.
The Let's Go Green Project overall goal envisaged to improve natural resources governance and business environment for sustainable-based activities in line with the 2021-2024 EU programing Forestry & Conservation Contribution to TEI ' Sustainable Forestry and Biodiversity in Liberia.
The LEH GO GREEN project under phase one will focus on the below listed specific objectives:
* Strengthening the sustainable use of natural resources in Liberia while contributing to the fight against climate change
* Increasing jobs and growth for forest communities in the GREBO-KRAHN National Park and Gola Forest National Park
* Enhancing access to forest-based revenue and livelihood opportunities for improved forestry and conservation activities.
Liberia's forest resources face several challenges and threats which are causing considerable damage to the integrity of the ecosystems and the provision of essential ecosystem services, including soil quality, forest cover and forest health, water quality, plants and animals.
To address the numerous threats and underlying causes leading to biodiversity loss, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) is implementing a three-year project titled " LEH GO GREEN" funded by the European union Delegation.
In response and special remarks made by the FDA Managing Director, Mr.. Rudolph J Merab acknowledged the countless support and contributions from our International partners to mentioned few the EU, UNDP for their continuous investments within the forestry sector of Liberia and encourage sustainability and livelihood opportunities for our many citizenry.
With full agreement and approval of said National Launch, Amb. Nona Deprez, Head of Delegation- European Union Delegation, Hon. Philip C. Parker - Chairperson, Board of Directors -FDA, Mr. Louise Kuukpen, Resident Representative, UNDP, Hon. Rudolph J Merab- Managing Director, Forestry Development Authority all triumphantly uphold their hands in oneness.
Lastly, the LEH GO GREEN project will also undergo community level launch as followed:
* Friday, May 17, 2024 ( Konobo Ziah Town, Grand Gedeh County, Southeast landscape) and
* Friday, May 24, 2024 ( Fornor Community, Grand Cape Mount County, Northwest landscape)